This movie, based on a hit Broadway play, showcases Whitey’s Lindy Hoppers dancing the most famous and most spectacular Lindy Hop scene ever preserved on film. The dancing was choreographed by Frankie Manning.
Frankie Manning

This scene featuring Black dancers has only a superficial connection to the rest of the film, by design. Their costumes suggest that they were workers employed by the white people that are the focus of the story. When this movie travelled to the South, with its Jim Crow segregation laws, this scene could be removed from the film and the story line remained unaffected.

The choreography and the dancing are as near to perfect Lindy Hop as you can see anywhere! The scene will take your breath away no matter how many times you see it. It is no wonder that this film was responsible for the simultaneous resurgence of interest in Lindy Hop in Sweden and Britain in the 1980’s.

Harlem Congaroo Dancers (aka Whitey’s Lindy Hoppers)할렘 콩가루 댄서스 (AKA 와이티스 린디 하퍼스)
#1: William Downes and Frances 'Mickey' Jones (윌리엄 다운스 & 프랜시스 '미키' 존스)
#2: Norma Miller and Billy Ricker (노마 밀러 & 빌리 리커)
#3: Al Minns and Willa Mae Ricker (알 민스 & 윌라 매 리커)
#4: Ann Johnson and Frankie Manning (앤 존슨 & 프랭키 매닝)
#5: Thomas 'Tops' Lee & Wilda 'Wilder' Crawford (토마스 '탑스' 리 & 윌더 '와일더' 크로포드)
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